Puglia Region: paths for the diagnosis and the treatment of COPD and asthma

The “Paths for the diagnosis and treatment of COPD and asthma” – Annex A[1] [1], and approved by resolution of the Puglia Regional Council May 19, 2011, n. 1111 move by the need to contain pharmaceutical expenditure for respiratory drugs and the need to pursue, through the adoption of specific indicators at the regional level, a more appropriate prescribing practise in line with the international guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COPD and asthma (GINA and GOLD, respectively).

In order to contain spending on the drugs mentioned above, the adoption of indicators at the regional level was necessary to measure and verify the compliance with the prescriptive appropriateness and implementation of pathways for diagnosis and treatment. In line with the indications of the QUADRO project, these paths are oriented to act positively on the three major forms of inappropriateness: diagnostic (absence of spirometry and respiratory functional tests), prescriptive for failure to follow the recorded indications, and prescriptive for non-compliance with the recommendations.


[1] Except from Percorsi per la diagnosi e la cura delle bronco-pneumopatie croniche ostruttive e l’asma – Allegato A, approved by resolution of the Puglia Regional Council May 19, 2011, n. 1111. Pp17466-17493.