Web & Social Media Marketing for the pharma environment

The AISM course Web & Social Media Marketing for the pharma environment I held on November 26th and 27th in Milan was split into two very dense meetings that benefited from the original contributions that the participants have produced during their exercises. After the introduction, dedicated to the evolution of the web and social media, the first day was devoted to develop the specific skills of Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. Maurizio Meschiari illustrated the case history of the online launch of a dermo-cosmetics product. In the second day, I arranged two exercises: the first dealt with the competitive benchmarking; the second was focused on building an online marketing plan. Afterwards, the discussion focused on information, communication and conversation, aimed at empowering the logic of textual contents, and was supplemented by some notes on iconographic selection, online services, and multimedia contents.

The feedback from participants was positive and gave way both to the desire to implement what they learned and to the interest for new insights.